The Mustang
Hernando Cortez brought horses ashore in Mexico in 1519. The name mustang comes from the word mesteno, which means wild or stray. The horses survived the harsh trip across the sea which proves the stamina. Today the mustang is a protected animal, there are only about 50,000 left and many herds are so small they suffer from inbreeding.
Description- They are fully grown when they are 4-7 years old. They have very strong legs compared to other horses. The hooves are also stronger then other horses because they have to be able to run without shoes on any kind of terrian.
Use- It is obvious that you can't really "use" a mustang, but they can be tamed. If tamed they could be used as a saddle horse.
The Herd- Each herd has two leaders; a mare and the stallion. The mare leads and the stallion follows after. The stallion will take charge in an attack, he is the guard and protector.
Description- They are fully grown when they are 4-7 years old. They have very strong legs compared to other horses. The hooves are also stronger then other horses because they have to be able to run without shoes on any kind of terrian.
Use- It is obvious that you can't really "use" a mustang, but they can be tamed. If tamed they could be used as a saddle horse.
The Herd- Each herd has two leaders; a mare and the stallion. The mare leads and the stallion follows after. The stallion will take charge in an attack, he is the guard and protector.
Wild Mustangs
Kiger Mustang
The mustang of today does not look like the spanish horses from which it descends, but in 1977 a herd of mustangs was discovered that strongly deviated from other herds. They were found in Oregon. The herd were split in two groups, 20 horses in one, and 7 horses in the other. The horses were set free and supervised to make sure no other wild horses would come near them and breed. A few Kiger mustangs have been tamed. They turned out to be good learners and well suited for cattle driving.
Description- Mustangs come in all possible equnine colors but most are sorrel, they are 13. 2 to 15 hands tall.
Description- Mustangs come in all possible equnine colors but most are sorrel, they are 13. 2 to 15 hands tall.
Kiger Mustang
Cayuse Indian Pony
The pioneers often called the horses of the natives Americans "Cayuse Ponies" but the Cayuse Indian Pony is in fact a breed tracked back to the 19th century. Like many other horse breeds the Cayuse Indian Pony was some what fuzzy history but it is believed to be a descendant from French horses. Today you can rarely find the breed outside of California.
Description- The Cayuse Indian Pony is small and stocky, with high withers and extremely long cannon bones.
Use- The pony is mostly used for riding and is great for animal children because it rides easy and comfortable. Colors are mostly gray and they are usually 14 hands high.
Description- The Cayuse Indian Pony is small and stocky, with high withers and extremely long cannon bones.
Use- The pony is mostly used for riding and is great for animal children because it rides easy and comfortable. Colors are mostly gray and they are usually 14 hands high.
Cayuse Indian Pony
Florida Cracker Horse
The Florida cracker horse is another rare breed. It is also called the Florida horse, woods pony, indian pony, prarie pony or florida cow pony. The breed was created by natural selection among the herds o wild horses in florida, and it became a favorite cattle driver. Later however, farmers started using bigger horses for this task, almost causing the extinction of the florida cracker horse.
Description- It is a smaller horse, only about 13.5 hands high. It has an elegant head with lively eyes, the back is short and strong with rounded loins. The horse has a natural alertness, power and stamina. It isborn with a fast gait. They come in any equine colors but are mostly solid or gray.
Florida Cracker Horse
American Quarter Horse
Nobody can tell how the QH was created. Some claim it is the oldest horse breed in the U.S. The QH is named after the distance of the competitions in which it ran, the quarter mile. The American Quarter Horse Association founded in 1940, is the largest breed organization in the world. It has almost four million members.
Description- The head is short and broad in comparison to the small pricked ears, the hind quarters are strong and muscled. The bow is powerful which gives the saddle a good base. The back is exceptionally short. The QH has a nice disposition and is very intelligent, which makes it a fast learner.
Use- Most people think f western riding when talking about QHs but this horse is also a competition horse. It has become increasingly popular in disciplines such as polo and jumping. It is also an outstanding recreational horse.
Description- The head is short and broad in comparison to the small pricked ears, the hind quarters are strong and muscled. The bow is powerful which gives the saddle a good base. The back is exceptionally short. The QH has a nice disposition and is very intelligent, which makes it a fast learner.
Use- Most people think f western riding when talking about QHs but this horse is also a competition horse. It has become increasingly popular in disciplines such as polo and jumping. It is also an outstanding recreational horse.
American Quarter Horse
American Saddle Bred
The American Saddle Bred has its origins in the 17th century, when British pioneers brought their Galloway and recreational horses to North America. These horses were bred to be both small and strong, and very suitable for riding on tough terrain.
Description- A good Saddle bred should have good muscles and soft glowing coat. The mares should be feminine and the stallions real machos. The head should be beautifully shaped with big expressive eyes, ears should be closed and a narrow nose with large nostrils.
Use- As the name suggests, a riding horse. It is very well suited for dressage, jumping, terrain riding and western riding but also very good for carriage driving.
Description- A good Saddle bred should have good muscles and soft glowing coat. The mares should be feminine and the stallions real machos. The head should be beautifully shaped with big expressive eyes, ears should be closed and a narrow nose with large nostrils.
Use- As the name suggests, a riding horse. It is very well suited for dressage, jumping, terrain riding and western riding but also very good for carriage driving.
American Saddlebred
The Appaloosa, being my personally favorite, is an ancient breed, cave paintings of more then 20,000 years ago display these spotted horses, and the old chinese emperors called them celestial horses. In the 18th and 19th century, they were favored by the European artisocracy. In the U.S the breed is all about the native americans, especially the Nez Perce tribe in Oregon. The bred the Appaloosa effciently and selectively, thats why they were known as the horse experts.
Description- Stamina, good character, strong hind quarters, good legs, versatility, hard hooves and elegant head make up the Appaloosa as the Nez Perce wanted.
Colors- The most common is a dark body with spotted or white loins and hind quarters. However, there are different patterns. No two Appaloosas are the same, they usually have a spotted coat, striped hooves and a white scelea in common though.
Use- There are different Appalossa bloodlines. Some are characterized by speed, others are very suited for Western disciplines like cutting and roping, while others are good for dressage and jumping. You could almost say there is an Appalossa for every use.
The morgan is named after Justin Morgan, a teacher from Massashusetts. When he moved to Vermont in 1789 he brought a bay foal with him name figure. Figures good characteristics and descendents all passed to a new generation known as the morgans. The first morgans were used for clearing forests and plowing fields. In england they served as carriage horses. Nowadays, you can find morgans all over the U.S and more than 20 countries outside the U.S.
Description-Stamina, honesty, easy-going, free moving, short head, broad forehead, large eyes, broad loins, deep flank, high tail, and compact body are all apart of morgans.
Color- Bay, chesnut, black, yellow, light gray, cream and buckskin. The most common are bay, black and chesnut but some have overo patterns.
Use-Morgans a popular riding horses but they are also used for carriage driving, western riding, jumping, dressage, and endurance. Because of its clam nature the happy horse is sometimes used for thearpy. Every morgan owner says its just not a new horse, but a new family member, thats how friendly and nice this horse is.
Description-Stamina, honesty, easy-going, free moving, short head, broad forehead, large eyes, broad loins, deep flank, high tail, and compact body are all apart of morgans.
Color- Bay, chesnut, black, yellow, light gray, cream and buckskin. The most common are bay, black and chesnut but some have overo patterns.
Use-Morgans a popular riding horses but they are also used for carriage driving, western riding, jumping, dressage, and endurance. Because of its clam nature the happy horse is sometimes used for thearpy. Every morgan owner says its just not a new horse, but a new family member, thats how friendly and nice this horse is.
American Paint Horse
Hernando Cortes sailed to America with a bunch of horses chasing gold in 1519. One bunch of horses was chesnut with white spots on its belly, this became a paint horse. They soon became popular and in 1960 Rebecca Tyler Lockhart started the breed association and made it the most common horse in American in 1962.
Description- The paint horse is compact and muscular,with a relatively small head. It has an exeptionally good character. Because of its conformation, its fast and can make rounds on the spot. This is why it is very suitable for Western riding. It is said to have alot of cow sense.
Color- The three main colors are tobiano, overo, and tovero but within the overo their are different patterns.
Use- The paint is mostly for riding, but is most suitable for Western riding.
Description- The paint horse is compact and muscular,with a relatively small head. It has an exeptionally good character. Because of its conformation, its fast and can make rounds on the spot. This is why it is very suitable for Western riding. It is said to have alot of cow sense.
Color- The three main colors are tobiano, overo, and tovero but within the overo their are different patterns.
Use- The paint is mostly for riding, but is most suitable for Western riding.
American Paint Horse
Rocky Mountain Horse
The history of the RMH is a legend. Its claimed the pioneers had taken a special horse to Kentucky, a beautiful, young stallion of spanish descent. This stallion was crossbred with a mare. This foal was the foundation sire of the breed. It had good character, verstil and stable gaits in four tempi. He was used for breeding his 37 year life. Most rocky mountain horses are his descendents. It is now a rare breed.
Decription- Breeding is meticulously inspected and only horses with the right characteristics are registered. They should have good character, natural gaits, broad chest, easy to deal with, sure footed, calm and very intelligent.
Color- All soild colors are allowed. They cannot have white leaves or modest white markings on their chest.
Use- The rocky mountain horse is used for riding, competitions and endurance.
Decription- Breeding is meticulously inspected and only horses with the right characteristics are registered. They should have good character, natural gaits, broad chest, easy to deal with, sure footed, calm and very intelligent.
Color- All soild colors are allowed. They cannot have white leaves or modest white markings on their chest.
Use- The rocky mountain horse is used for riding, competitions and endurance.
Rocky Mountain Horse
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